
Every row in the Redis annotation db’s is prefixed with the annotation task as a namespace (e.g., <task>:<row>). Below is a table of the Redis db’s used for annotation, all run on a single Redis server.

Redis DB Description
key_to_path Maps from a random key to a b64(row) + ‘ ‘ + b64(column)
path_to_key Maps from b64(row) + ‘ ‘ + b64(column) to a random key

The state is the global memory of the task as it is being executed. Below is a table of the state rows.

State Row Description
<task>:rows PQ of rows, user view reduces priority. Determines which row to show next.
<task>:seen:<user> Set of rows user has seen.
<task>:data_lock Lock needed to mutate state/key_to_path/path_to_key